School attendance and punctuality is incredibly important to us here at Romilly. Regular school attendance is one of the most powerful ways you can prepare your child for success—both in school and in life. But when children are absent for an average of just two days of school per month—even when the absences are excused/authorised– it can have a negative impact. These absences can affect children as early as Nursery.
The Welsh Government is working closely with local education authorities and schools to highlight the importance of regular attendance at school. The Callio campaign looks at three bands of attendance i.e. Red - under 92%, Amber 93-96% and Green 97% and above. Families were sent an email informing them of this system.
We will be updating you about your child’s attendance on a half-termly basis.
If your child's attendance falls into the Amber or Red category, we will inform you and work with you and your child to help improve their attendance. If their attendance continues to be a concern, you may be contacted by the School Attendance Officer. If we feel you need more support than what the school can offer, we may refer to the Local Authority who will work with you until the attendance improves.
Attendance Matters!
How can parents help?
- Do not take holidays within term time.
- Do not take long weekends which result in the children losing Fridays/ Mondays.
- Make any appointments outside of school hours.
- Always tell us where your child is. Let us know straight away via a phone call.
- If you are struggling and need help let us know.
- Always engage with the school so that we can support you. Sometimes children are ill and they cannot help being absent.
- Always attend attendance meetings if requested. These meetings are meant to be supportive and to ensure that the school is aware of any issues.
- Work with us because we only want the best educational opportunities for your child.
If you have concerns about your child's attendance, please contact the school.