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Dear Parents, 

As promised, please find further information in relation to breakfast club below.

The booking system will operate from 10am on a Monday and close on a Tuesday at 3.15pm

Breakfast Club

We will be offering breakfast club provision on a pre-booked basis only. Numbers will be limited to a maximum of 8 places per year group. This will be co-ordinated through an electronic booking system which will run on a weekly basis. Bookings will be taken on a “first come – first served” principle. 

Electronic bookings will be processed by the school and only those pupils with a confirmed pre-allocated place will be able to attend.

In order to request a breakfast club place, please follow the link available on the school website.

Step 1 - Click the link - Breakfast Club Booking Form

Step 2 - Enter the required details, including day requested, dietary needs etc

Step 3 - Submit the form

Step 4 - You will receive confirmation that your form has been submitted 

Step 5 - Allocated places will be confirmed by 1pm on the Thursday prior to the week requested 

Places can only be booked one week in advance.

Unfortunately, anyone who turns up without a confirmed place will not be allowed into breakfast provision.

Pre-booked children will be collected at the main school entrance at 8.15am by breakfast club staff and will then be taken to their respective classrooms at 8.45am when breakfast club ends. If children are not ready for collection at 8.15am they will not be able to access breakfast club and will then have to wait until gates open for all children at 8.45am.

Katy Williams
Romilly Primary School 
Visit us

01446 736934